The Age of Magical Overthinking, by Amanda Montell
58/60 | Started 10.15.24 • Finished 10.30.24 | 4 stars
This was a rare deviation from the novel choice for book club, and not one that I would have picked up on my own, but I found most of it fascinating. It got very mixed reviews at book club, including some who didn't finish and others who loved it.
The only explanation for this mass head trip that made any sense to me had to do with cognitive biases:I self-deceptive thought patterns that developed due to our brains’ imperfect abilities to process information from the world around us.
It made me think about the decisions people make and why they make them and all the different cognitive biases that are behind them. I had just never really thought much about this kind of stuff before in such a pulled together way. And I found the writing to be rather engaging - I was interested to read what she had to say. My favorite was probably the IKEA effect, mostly because I am sure I am a victim of it on a regular basis... Would recommend to the right person.