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The House of Eve, by Sadeqa Johnson

11/60 | Started 02.09.24 • Finished 02.20.24 | 4 stars

Came into this book club read not really knowing what I was getting into but getting something completely different than any of my inklings. The House of Eve is a coming-of-age story involving two young black women who both have big dreams.

“Art is the friend that you can always return to. It will always be there to heighten your feeling of aliveness. Keep going.”

Set in the 1950s, each woman encounters racism and prejudice in her own way. Philadelphian Ruby is on track to become the first in her family to attend college, thanks to a special scholarship for which she is in the running. Meanwhile, Eleanor is attending Howard University in Washington, D.C. Everything about their plans for their lives seems to going along fine... until it isn't. I feel like it's easy to give the story away, so I can't say much more.

I didn’t need to be happy, but I could not be poor. All I could do was believe that the future I was moving toward would be worth it.

I did feel like the end of the book came suddenly and with too neat of a bow. The suddenness is what really did me in though. I enjoyed the story and the writing was pretty good. I'd definitely recommend this one.

Owl at Home, by Arnold Lobel

10/60 | Started 02.07.24 • Finished 02.12.24 | 5 stars

Five funny little stories involving a very cute owl. Carolyn giggled her way through them and declared five stars upon finishing the last one.

9/60 | Started 01.10.24 • Finished 02.12.24 | 5 stars

A delightful collection of sometimes hilarious, sometimes heart-tugging adventures in Mathildewick Cove, featuring best friends Lena and Trille. Carolyn loved this as a read-aloud.

I stood there looking at him for a while, feeling as if my heart were growing inside my chest so that there wasn't any more space. I wanted to give Grandpa all the good things in the whole world.

I just learned there's a follow up book that released in May last year called Lena, the Sea, and Me. Looks like it's for a little bit older (Trille and Lena being about 12) but I'll probably get it and hold on to it for a read-aloud in 3rd grade or so.

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